by CO+HOOTS | Aug 8, 2017 | Blog, ninterns, People
Meet Ninja Intern Bryce Manhardt Bryce Manhardt is a rock star who believes in bettering the world around him. Of course, that doesn’t stop him from writing killer fiction about dystopian futures to get in the zone. With a love for business, community and...
by CO+HOOTS | Apr 26, 2017 | Blog, cohoots, People
Meet Melissa Fraley, CO+HOOTS Community Manager Melissa Fraley can swing dance like a champ and dreams of owning a big farm, but before she wins several lotteries and goes off to tame her future goats, we have her to thank for an organized, functional space and warm...
by CO+HOOTS | Aug 15, 2016 | Blog, People
Meet CO+HOOTS’ new Operations Manager Lauren Blodgett You can’t help but notice CO+HOOTS’ new Operations Manager Lauren Blodgett. Whether it’s flashing her infectious smile to everyone who enters our doors or making the inevitable problems with...
by CO+HOOTS | Mar 22, 2016 | Blog, People
Building a Better Phoenix; Why I’m Supporting CO+HOOTS’ Crowdfunding By Tanya Moushi When I feel hesitation, it makes me want to clear things up. There are so many people transforming Phoenix right now, so many people who care about preserving its history...
by CO+HOOTS | Feb 22, 2016 | Blog, People
‘A Mountain Of Risk,’ a letter from Jenny Poon, CO+HOOTS Founder Friends, we’re about to embark on something grand and I need your help. In 2010, I decided to take a mountain of risk. I was about to launch something; a space, but really, more than that. A...
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