Unlocking Efficiency: Navigating the Landscape of Technology Automation

2024wed15may12:00 pmwed1:00 pmUnlocking Efficiency: Navigating the Landscape of Technology AutomationExplore tech automation's rationale, timing & org readiness. Discover tasks ripe for automation, and steps to prep for software solutions!12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 221 E Indianola Ave Phoenix, AZ 85012Register here.

Event Details

Embark on a journey into the realm of technology automation with our insightful discussion!

Discover the rationale behind automation and learn when it’s the right time to implement it, as well as when it might be prudent to wait. We’ll explore identifying repetitive and low-value tasks, ensuring your time investment is optimized. From tackling security and compliance to navigating legal and financial obligations, we’ll pinpoint tasks ripe for automation.

Uncover the strategic timing of automation, supported by real-world problems and quantitative data. Understand how automation streamlines processes while also imposing rigidity.

Plus, gain practical insights into assessing your organization’s readiness for automation. Whether it’s managing exceptions or ensuring data integrity, we’ll equip you with actionable steps, from leveraging Excel templates to embracing methodologies like Kanban.

Join us and embark on the path to automation excellence while enjoying a free lunch!


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