by CO+HOOTS | Apr 27, 2017 | Blog, People
CO+HOOTS Member Profile: Iconico and its advocacy capacity Luis Avila has never tried a McRib, but he doesn’t need barbecue sauce to make the meat of his accomplishments shine. With 15 years of experience as a community organizer, Avila already holds many titles —...
by CO+HOOTS | Apr 26, 2017 | Blog, cohoots, People
Meet Melissa Fraley, CO+HOOTS Community Manager Melissa Fraley can swing dance like a champ and dreams of owning a big farm, but before she wins several lotteries and goes off to tame her future goats, we have her to thank for an organized, functional space and warm...
by CO+HOOTS | Mar 22, 2017 | Blog
Best co-working spaces in the U.S. for 2017 by Marija Kovačević Phoenix, Arizona Co+Hoots The first, largest and premier co-working space in Phoenix, CoHoots houses 250 incredible entrepreneurs, small businesses and more. CoHoots is a member-sustained and...
by CO+HOOTS | Jan 13, 2017 | Blog, People
CO+HOOTS Member Profile: Hello Promo and its problem-solving productions Hello Promo greets entrepreneurs with a promise that money and big city backgrounds aren’t prerequisites to successful startups. The journey toward Hello Promo began with a $200 investment from...
by CO+HOOTS | Dec 5, 2016 | Blog, People
CO+HOOTS Member Profile: Commun.ity and its neighborly interactions It’s no mystery that a company called Commun.ity would be a major advocate of community-building. However, that’s all part of our member’s charming goal: open collaboration with no ifs, ands, buts or...
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