Speaker Series: Mastering Time

Event Details
Is time not on your side? Or used to be… but now that you’re working remotely, or kids are home, or fill in the blank,
Event Details
Is time not on your side? Or used to be…
but now that you’re working remotely, or kids are home, or fill in the blank, your relationship to time might just need some “marriage” counseling?! Do your days feel like a battle to beat the clock, make deadlines, uphold standing commitments, prioritize chores, and avoid seemingly unavoidable distractions? Or, are you the opposite, being so productive, you can’t possibly keep it up and know a burnout is coming?
If any of this rings true (and it’s not your reminder alarm), join us in this workshop to discover simple and even, dare we say, fun solutions to help you master time, from wherever, whenever.
Following this session, you will learn to:
- Identify your particular pitfalls
- Organize yourself and hold yourself accountable
- Plan brilliantly
- And most importantly, find ease in everyday activities as well as your most heartfelt and cause-related endeavors.
About Alyssa Rocco : Alyssa is on a mission to create positive change in the world. She came to Handel Group seven years ago with a desire to change her career. After spending nearly a decade in the biotech industry participating in the launch of two successful life changing medicines for Cystic Fibrosis and Hepatitis C, she still felt like there was something missing in her life. After one session with a coach at Handel Group, she quickly discovered what was missing – she wasn’t living true to her own dreams; she wasn’t happy; and she didn’t know how to become happy.
This event is going to be held virtually. Attendees will receive a link to the live stream and worksheets once they have signed up.
Ticket donations go to support businesses affected by COVID-19
We believe in entrepreneurs who are courageous enough to chase a dream, against all odds.
Build an environment for them, and it will elevate us all.
(Tuesday) 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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