Meet Ninja Intern Connor Waslo

by | Jan 27, 2018

Connor Waslo is a social entrepreneur who is already working on his own startup before starting college. As he takes his proactive steps to ruling the world, we’re excited to give him hands-on experience with all that goes into building a business. In the words of Connor Waslo (please read in an stellar Australian accent), “CO+HOOTS has all of that!” And now we have him to teach us how to wiggle our ears.


Get our nintern’s two cents on life before they’re worth one Bitcoin:


Hometown: Phoenix, AZ


Why did you want to work at CO+HOOTS? 
I work best surrounded by social people and lively environments. CO+HOOTS has all of that! As I work on my own startup, I’ll take any opportunity I can to learn how businesses run and to meet people living my dream. Interning here is basically the perfect opportunity for me to move towards accomplishing all sorts of goals.


What are your hopes and dreams at CO+HOOTS? 
Fame, fortune, a team of my own interns. Just kidding. I want to meet as many people as I can and absorb as much advice as possible. Capitalizing on such a great learning experience is the ultimate goal.


Members in CO+HOOTS may be able to help you as well… What are your own personal hopes and dreams?
I hope to run my own successful startup. Ideally, once I’ve found my unicorn, I can help other people run their startups as efficiently as possible. Entrepreneurship is such a fantastic skill and someday I want to help kids realize that they don’t have to work for anybody. They can work for themselves.


If you had 100 billion dollars, you would… 
Invest in education and environmental preservation.


What should the CO+HOOTS community know about you? 
I love meeting with new people and picking their brain about business, programming, life or anything! I appreciate all sorts of perspectives and would love to meet all of you.


What is one thing people don’t know about you? 
I’m not Australian or Russian but I can talk in some pretty decent Australian and Russian accents.


Why are you so awesome? 
I can wiggle my ears. Hands free. Basically a super power, y’know? I got offered to be a member of the Avengers but it didn’t quite fit in my schedule so I had to turn them down.