CO+HOOTS nintern Michelle D’Souza Q&A
We love Ninterns (ninja interns)!
And the latest is Michelle D’Souza, who has already joined CO+HOOTS and eeko studio. Learn more about Michelle below:
Why did you want to work at CO+HOOTS and eeko studio?
I’ve always felt like I learned much more on the job, in addition to school course work. So my intention was to search opportunities where I can expand my portfolio and more importantly gain some real work experience. I came across eeko Studio & CO+HOOTS through a simple Google search (Thank God for the Internet!). I was excited to read about CO+HOOTS and eeko Studio. So I filled out the CO+HOOTS internship form online, not expecting to hear back so soon. To my pleasant surprise, Jenny got back to me, I interviewed and here I am today!
What are your hopes and dreams while at eeko studio and CO+HOOTS?
It’s a dream come true to have this opportunity to learn from and collaborate with so many talented individuals at CO+HOOTS and eeko studio. I want to learn all that can be learned and hope to absorb many of the successful qualities that make you guys who you are. I’m also excited to learn more about design, innovation and entrepreneurship. I want to grow as a professional and acquire the ability to use my skills effectively.
Members may be able to help you as well … What are your own personal hopes and dreams?
I love to experience new things. Having previously studied architecture, pursuing a master’s degree in graphic design has been both exciting and challenging. My primary goal is to effectively use and apply the skills I’ve acquired so far. I would also love to learn more about business and what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.
If you had 100 billion dollars, you would …
Build my dream house.
Gift my parents an all-expenses-paid trip around the world.
Find a way to help the less fortunate.
Invest whatever is left to make more. ☺
What should the CO+HOOTS community know about you?
I’m committed, willing and eager to learn. I’m ever ready to help out in any way I can.
What is that one big project you’d like to do? In CO+HOOTS or with eeko studio or out of CO+HOOTS/eeko studio?
I’d love to collaborate and help design something for the community that’ll help make it better. It could be anything artistic or technology related.
What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I love to cook (more than I love to eat). At one point, I seriously considered joining a culinary school over graduate school! (I still hope I can, sometime in the future.)
Why are you so awesome?
I’m awesome because every individual is awesome.
I’m awesome because of all the awesome people in my life – they’ve enriched my life in more ways than one.
I’m awesome because I’ll party with you all night long, and still show up to work the next day.